
Services Provided

The Essex Specialized Surgical Institute is an ambulatory surgery center specializing in eye and related surgery for those patients who are generally well, who are good candidates for outpatient surgery, and who can reasonably be expected to be discharged to home within approximately three hours. Only in rare instances will patients be maintained in the facility longer then six hours. Because of manufacturer’s equipment capacity limits, surgical patients must weigh less than the maximum rated manufacturer’s weight limit of surgical equipment.  Patients needing additional professional care will be transferred to a hospital following established transfer agreements.

The Surgery Center provides the following services:

  • Diagnosis and surgical treatment of surgical conditions of the eye (ophthalmology)
  • Elective surgery to enhance facial physical appearance (cosmetic surgery)
  • Limited physical examinations to approve patients being medically cleared for surgical procedures
  • Nursing assessments, and plans of care for patients
  • Peri-operative nursing care
  • Post-anesthesia recovery nursing care
  • Patient teaching and discharge instructing
  • Administration, control and storage of medications for surgical patients
  • Social or psychological counseling provided by referral agreement
  • Dietary counseling provided by referral agreement
  • In order to accommodate the needs of all patients, Essex Specialized Surgical Institute will provide translation and interpretation services for non-English speaking patients for over 240 different languages, as well as American Sign Language. Please let us know in advance if language services are needed. These services will be of no cost to the patient.